Introducing arbitrator S.Nyamjav

Sandag Nyamjav
- 1961-1971 Bulgan soum secondary school
- 1973-1975 lawyer, Law enforcement secondary school
- 1980-1986 LLB, School of Law, National University of Mongolia
- 2011-2013 LLM, School of Law, National University of Mongolia
Specialized sector
- Civil law
- Arbitration law
Sandag Nyamjav, a Master of Law, has been working as an arbitrator at the Mongolian International Arbitration since 2015.
Work experience:
- 1971-1973, a member of the Provisional Military Service
- 1975-1977, the Legal advice and advocacy office of Bulgan Province – Legal Adviser and Attorney
- 1977-1984, Bulgan Province Court – Judge
- 1985-1986, Bulgan Province Court – Judge and arbitrator
- 1986-1987, Bulgan Province Court – Deputy Chairman
- 1987-1998, Bulgan Province Court - Chairman and chief judge
- 1998-2012 Supreme Court - Judge
- 2012-2015 Supreme Court - Head of the Chamber
- 2015 Supreme Court – Advisor to the Chief Justice
Professional qualification development:
- 1986, Professional Development Institute of Management Service - Economics
- 1990, Management Development Institute - Law
- 2002, the Lawyers Training Center – English and Computers
- 2003, Germany, Hans-Seidel Foundation – Improving the Civil law
- 2005, Elsan University, Republic of Korea – Digitization of court proceedings
- 2007 State of Texas, United States – Features of State Laws
- In 2010, Germany, Hans-Seidel Foundation – Similarities and Differences in German-Mongolian Law
- In 2015, Supreme Court of the Republic of Korea – Features of court proceedings